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7 Common Financial Leadership Mistakes You Must Avoid

Hey there friends! As someone who’s been around the corporate finance block for a little bit now and have made some mistakes of my own,I know firsthand the challenges we face while aiming for greatness in our careers. That’s why I’m here to share some valuable insights with you. In this article, we’re going to dive into seven common financial leadership mistakes that we must steer clear of to unleash our true potential and make a lasting impact in the corporate world. 

Mistake #1: Focusing More on the Numbers and Less on the Story

Picture this: You’re in a meeting, armed with piles of financial data and reports, ready to present your brilliant findings. But guess what? Your colleagues’ eyes glaze over, and you wonder why they aren’t as excited as you are about the numbers. Well, my friend, that’s the pitfall of focusing solely on the cold, hard figures without weaving a compelling story around them.

The Art of Storytelling in Financial Leadership

Numbers are undoubtedly important, but they become truly powerful when we tell a captivating story with them. When we connect the data to real-life scenarios and show how it impacts people and the organization, we create an emotional connection that drives action and support.

Back in the day, I used to present number after number data point after data point. Predictably, it wasn’t really resonating. But, learning from each experience I eventually learned how to weave financial narratives into the numbers and my presentations were much more compelling. I learned to tie revenue growth to the hard work and dedication of our team members.Or changes in margin to the changes happening in the industry. Or I would compare the narrative of our company’s growth to a competitor’s growth. The more I used these narratives to explain the numbers, the more my presentations resonated & the more value I continued to provide to our executive teams to elevate the business & my career.

Mistake #2: Failing to Embrace Technology and Optimize Processes Effectively

Ah, the allure of the familiar, comfortable manual processes! But, let’s face it, in the ever-evolving corporate landscape, shunning technology and not optimizing processes can lead us down a slippery slope.

The Tech-Driven Financial Leader

We live in the age of automation and digital wonders. Embracing technology isn’t about replacing people; it’s about empowering them. By automating repetitive tasks and leveraging digital tools, we free up time and resources to focus on strategic thinking and value-added activities.

Mistake #3: Overlooking Diversity and Inclusion

Diversity and inclusion aren’t just buzzwords; they are a goldmine of creativity and potential. Overlooking this aspect is akin to leaving a treasure chest unopened.

The Power of Diverse Perspectives

When we foster a culture that embraces diversity, we welcome a wide range of perspectives and ideas. This diversity helps us tackle complex challenges with innovative solutions and opens doors to new market opportunities.

Whenever I find myself  leading a team with members from different backgrounds, I’m not just talking about culturally diverse backgrounds but industry diverse and company diverse backgrounds as well, … at times, it can be a challenge to blend diverse personalities, but if you learn to celebrate each other’s strengths, your  team becomes an unstoppable force, and you can really help bring creative solutions to financial challenges.

Mistake #4: Prioritizing Short-Term Gains Over Long-Term Strategy

Ah, the allure of quick wins and short-term results. But remember, Rome wasn’t built in a day, and solid financial leadership requires a long-term vision.

Balancing the Short-Term and the Long-Term

Striking a balance between short-term objectives and a clear long-term vision is the key to sustainable growth. Short-term gains can boost morale, but without a strong long-term strategy, we might be building a castle on sand.

Building a long term strategy that is clear and concise is key. And I am a firm believer in setting short term goals that move your organization towards the long term goal. But your focus is towards that long term goal.

Mistake #5: Failing to Understand When to Control Costs vs. Invest in Growth

This one is sometimes a judgment call you need to make with your leadership teams  and it’s a delicate dance that requires a keen understanding of when to tighten the belt and when to loosen it.

It’s natural to want to control costs, but investing strategically is essential for growth. Identifying opportunities to invest in people, technology, or new ventures can be the catalyst for future success.

This is especially important in times of a more crunchy financial performance. It’s much harder to take risks when there is uncertainty but that is often when taking smart & calculated risks matters most. 

Mistake #6: Neglecting to Seek Mentorship or Invest in an Executive Coach

The lone wolf mentality might seem cool, but in the world of financial leadership, mentorship and coaching are secret weapons to unlock our full potential.

The Power of Guidance and Coaching

Mentors and executive coaches provide valuable insights, guidance, and support. Investing in their expertise helps us hone our leadership skills, navigate challenges, and identify blind spots.

I will never forget my very first  mentor who guided me through very high growth years in my career. Their encouragement and advice were invaluable, helping me develop the executive presence I needed to succeed in higher leadership roles.

Mistake #7: Ignoring the Impact of Your Executive Presence

Last but not least, the underrated but influential executive presence. Our presence and demeanor have the power to inspire and influence others around us.

Cultivating a Magnetic Executive Presence

Executive presence isn’t just about looking the part; it’s about exuding confidence, authenticity, and empathy. When we walk into a room with a presence that commands attention, we become influential leaders.

There was a time when my nerves got the best of me in high-stakes meetings. I realized that projecting confidence was crucial to gaining the trust of my team and stakeholders. So, I worked on my posture, voice, and presentation skills until I felt comfortable in the spotlight.

By avoiding these seven common financial leadership mistakes, you are well on your way to unlocking your true potential and making an indelible mark in the corporate world. Remember, embrace the art of storytelling, leverage technology to your advantage, celebrate diversity, and balance short-term gains with long-term vision. Don’t hesitate to seek guidance from mentors or executive coaches, and above all, cultivate your magnetic executive presence. With these insights and a sprinkle of your unique brilliance, the world is yours for the taking

August 7, 2023

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From Cookieprenuer to a C-Suite Financial Executive, Liz knows that living outside the box is possible and wants to empower others to know they can do the same.

Financial Executive. coach. Female leader + AAPI Encourager.